I watched the Movie Wall Street Money Never Sleeps because my mentor Armando Montelongo tweeted on Sept. 24th "Any self respecting Shark or Wolf Pack member will watch: Wall Street Money Never Sleeps, this weekend!"
Unfortunately I watched it before I read his tweet on Sept. 27th "My mistake, Wall Street 2 sucks. The original was legendary. I'm inspired to write a great money movie considering my disappointment."
I enjoyed the movie despite Armando's comment. I do agree Wall Street Money Never Sleeps was not that great of a movie compared to the original. Sequels hardly ever are in comparison. One thing I've learned is anytime I watch a movie I am always looking for what I call "Golden Nuggets" These are things that I can implement in my life and business. Wall Street Money Never Sleeps was about Gordon Gekko's return after 8 years in prison for insider trading. Gordon Gekko was a shark when it comes to Wall Street but there was someone else that caught my interest in the movie.
Billionaire Bretton James (actor Josh Brolin) was a backstabbing business man but had some great words of wisdom. He says two Golden Nugget statements in the movie. He says " I think every man should have a mentor and a protege at least one time in their life." I totally agree with this statement. This is why I have Armando Montelongo as my mentor when it comes to Real Estate investing. If you want to be successful in any business you should definitely find someone who is already successful in that business and seek mentorship by that person. You can learn so much from them, especially what not to do. Armando has shared with his students what he did that did not work but most importantly what does work. The wealth of knowledge that you learn from a mentor is priceless.
Another statement made by Bretton James was " If you don't know what you're doing it can be FATAL." This is so true when it comes to Real Estate Investing. That is why it is so key to have a mentor to teach you the odds and ends of the business. To have someone to run deals buy and ask for advice is so important in your success as an investor. I would have never invested out of state if I did not have Armando Montelongo and his amazing mentors show me the proper way to do it. To show me how to manage contractors from afar and be confident in the systems he has created. Without their guidance I would have not known what to do and it would truly have been fatal like Bretton said.
The last Golden Nugget that I learned from Mr. Bretton James in Wall Street Money Never Sleeps was this. Bretton James made millions of dollars by backstabbing his peers and participated in insider trading. These were highly unethical practices. In the end it all caught up to him. When you run your Real Estate Investment business make sure to run it with the utmost integrity. Investing is a people's business. You will ultimately make more money creating win win situations with the people involved. Most importantly you can sleep well at night knowing that you are not only creating wealth but you are contributing to the American Dream of Home ownership for tons of people. You don't want to end up like Mr. Bretton James.
Antonio Macias
Real Estate Investor
I need to go check out the movie for myself. Like you said, you can always get one good nugget from everything you do.